Hood County Texas Genealogical Society



From Hood County Judge to Governor of Texas

From Original Manuscript in the Texas State Archives


Hood County Texas April 24th A.D. 1867

Gov. J. W. Throckmorton,

Austin Texas -

Dear Sir

Your communication of the 31st of January Asking information relative to Indian Rades Murders etc did not reach me until a few days ago as I suppose to there being no post office in Hood County.-

In reply I will indeaver to give you only Such facts as I am personally nowing to My Self. In the last Eighteen Months one person Murdered by Indians a man by the name of Pleasant Boyd.-

I will now give you the names of a fiew of the persons and the number of Horses and valuation of Said Horses La. Last September F.M. Peavlor had 2 Horses Stolen value one Hundred Dollars Each.

David Peavlor Two Horses value one Hundred Dollars Each

James Peavlor one Horse valued One Hundred Dollars About the Same Time

Peter Garlin had 2 Horses killed and Twenty Stolen value forty Dollars Each 2St About the 25th of Dec last C.C. Arrington had one Horse Killed value one Hundred Dollars Also three Stolen value Sixty Dollars Each-at the Same time C.T. Arrington Had one large mule Stolen value one Hundred and fifty Dollars Abough one Month ago-J.M. Washburn Had fore Horses Stolen value Three Hundred and fifteen Dollars at the Same Time Cole Huffstutter one Killed and one Horse Stolen valued Eighty Dollars Same time Luke Smith Two horses Stolen value one Hundred Dollars-Same time Drew Middleton Two Horses Stolen value Two Hundred Dollars-Same time Joseph Randle Two Horses Killed value one Hundred Dollars-Same time Simon Hightower colord, One Horse Stolen value fifty Dollars some time Ruben Chambers colord on Horse Stolen value fifty Dollars Each and every rade the Indians mak in our country tha Kill more or less catle This is all the Information I have at the presant time


Judge of Hood County

P.S. The Indians that make rades in this Section are Supposed to be Comanche and Caddo.


Hood County Texas

Apr 24th 1867

County Judge

Report of Indian

depredations in

Hood County

~ Web Page by Virginia Hale ~

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