Hood County Texas Genealogical Society



Organized in 1969

Hood County News Centennial Edition - Sept. 23, 1971


The Hood County Retired Teachers Association was organized Sept. 16, 1969 in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church in Granbury by Mrs. Mamie Stricker, State Director from Waco. The Association received their State Charter Sept. 8, 1970, presented by Mrs. Lois Gray, State Vice President of Area 7. Mrs. Ed Williams was the first President; Mrs. Lillian Hughes Vice-President; Mrs. W.L. Dent, Secretary; Miss Estelle Cherry, Treasurer.

The Retired Teachers Association is affiliated with state, national and local teachers association[s].

The Charter members are:

Alice Price

Lillian Hughes

Mrs. Ed Williams

Ed Williams

Margaret Phillips

Laura Matlock

John Matlock

Mrs. Richard Overton

Richard Overton

Mrs. Hugh Cleveland

Mrs. Joe David

Mrs. W. L. Dent

W. L. Dent

Jimmie Hale

Vina Craddock

Lola Sargent

Homer Sargent

Miss Estelle Cherry

The Association now was 26 members and Mrs. Lillian Hughes is the new president. Their regular meeting date is the second Tuesday of each month. The members were pleased to gain two new members, Mrs. Clara Atkins and Mrs. Emma Robertson, Tuesday, September 18, 1971.

Web Page by Virginia Hale